2008年8月20日 星期三

My Space 這是TANYA的my space,請進

Closer - Opening (Abertura)



The blower’s daughter --  Damien Rice

and so it is
just like you said it would be
life goes easy on me
most of the time

and so it is
the shorter story
no love no glory
no hero in her skies

I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you

and so it is
just like you said it should be
we’ll both forget the breeze
most of the time

and so it is
the colder water
the blower’s daughter
the pupil in denial

I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes off of you
I can’t take my eyes……..

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
leave it all behind?

I can’t take my mind off you
I can’t take my mind off you
I can’t take my mind off you
I can’t take my mind off you
I can’t take my mind off you
I can’t take my mind, my mind, my mind
‘til I find somebody new


蔡健雅在演唱會前,出了My Space的LIVE CD。原本以為只是演唱會的先聽版,看了網頁才知道:

在這張「My space- Keywords of Tanya」中,Tanya為我們帶來ACOUSTIC現場演出的感動,除了演唱「呼吸」、「記念」等多首個人經典外,更特別選唱西洋男歌手的經典作品,在純淨的吉他與誠摯的歌聲中詮釋出不同的氣味。


如此品味鮮明的音樂會,李宗盛特別請來蔡健雅擔綱首場演出,除了是對蔡健雅的極大肯定外,同時也讓 TANYA同感榮幸。能夠「零距離」聽見蔡健雅最赤裸歌喉,她說:「這是很大的挑戰,但也是難得的經驗,赤裸裸的,沒有安全感,但又想和大家一起玩音樂。」而這張「MY SPACE」,便是以高品質錄音記錄下當時的所有感動與音樂表情。

「這不是一張LIVE專輯而已。這是TANYA的my space,請進。」


3.The Blower's Daughter
4.Change the World
9.Is it over now?("手"DEMO/原唱:莫文蔚)

其中第三首,就是電影Closer偷情的主題曲。 經典開場台詞: Hellow, stranger.











Tanya Chua on Singapore Idol - Yellow

Look at the stars; look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow

I came along; i wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then i took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know?
You know i love you so
You know i love you so

I swam across; i jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
'cos you were all yellow

I drew a line; i drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know?
For you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

It's true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for#
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do



至於演唱會心得,有較輕鬆的鳥咪版本:蔡健雅演唱會  真的哪天心情大好再來多說一點吧

結尾,是TANYA寫給莫文蔚的,DEMO版也收錄在My Space裡:

莫文蔚  手  收錄於 如果沒有你 專輯

